How to integrate Redis with your WordPress website

This article will guide you through how to integrate Redis with your WordPress installation using ServPress.
In this article

What is Redis?

Redis is a popular in-memory data structure store that is used to improve the performance of WordPress websites, mainly in two ways:

  1. Session management: Redis can be used to manage user sessions in WordPress, allowing for faster and more efficient session management. This can be especially useful for websites that experience a high volume of traffic and need to handle multiple sessions simultaneously.
  2. Object caching: Redis can also be used as an object caching system for WordPress, storing commonly used objects in memory for faster access. This can include things like database queries, user information, and other frequently accessed data.

Redis comes by default on all ServPress-managed servers, and each time you add or import a website with ServPress, it automatically integrates Redis to work with a plugin. However, by default, we only enable Redis to store user sessions, since Redis might not work perfectly fine with some WordPress configurations as an object cache.

Install the plugin to enable Object Cache

The plugin we’ve integrated Redis with is Redis Object Cache by Till Krüss:

Install it on the website you want to enable Redis on, and then activate the plugin. You’ll be redirected to the plugin’s setting page.

Now, you just have to click on “Enable Object Cache”, and that’s it! Redis is now integrated with your website.


We recommend you keep the plugin installed as it does a pretty good job of boosting your WordPress’ performance. But if you ever have problems like:

  • Content not refreshing even after emptying web caches.
  • Elementor acting up and not refreshing CSS correctly.
  • JetEngine Query Builder not showing the results it should.
  • Some pop-ups reappearing after closing them.

Try going to your Dashboard > Settings > Redis and click on the “Flush cache” button.

If this doesn’t fix your issues, or it fixes them but they reappear, feel free to uninstall the plugin.

We’ve have these issues before with the plugin, since it’s not perfect and not all plugins integrate nicely with Object Cache.

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